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Responsive hot issues!Introduction to the National New Office of the Recent Investment, Finance, Financial Related Data and Policies

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Consolidate and enhance macroeconomics to rise to a good situation& mdash; & mdash; Macro three departments respond to related hot issuesXinh

  Consolidate and enhance macroeconomics to rise to a good situation

  & mdash; & mdash; Macro three departments respond to related hot issues

  Xinhua News Agency

  □ Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Fu Jing Shen Ye Zhang Qianqian

  What is the recent investment?What are the deployments of the moderation of fiscal policy?What are the highlights of the new credit in the first two months?& hellip; & hellip; On March 21, at a press conference held by the New National Office, the three departments of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the People’s Bank of China responded to the above hot issues.

  Investment achieves smooth start

  It will improve the efficiency of government investment and use

  Stable investment is essential for maintaining the stable economic operation.According to Liu Sushe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, from January to February, the investment in fixed assets in the country increased by 4.2 % year -on -year. The overall investment increased by 8.9 % after deducting the real estate development investment was 8.9 %, achieving a stable start.The growth rate of manufacturing investment has accelerated, the growth momentum of new kinetic energy investment is good, the proportion of private investment in overall investment has rebounded, and infrastructure investment has played an effective support role.

  Talking about the issuance of 10 trillion yuan in 2023, Liu Sushe said that by February of this year, the National Development and Reform Commission has issued a list of additional issuance of the issue of issuing government bonds in three batches, and all funds have been implemented to 15,000 specific projects.

  ”From the perspective of support, more than half of the construction of related water conservancy facilities such as flood prevention and drainage, more than 200 billion yuan for post -disaster reconstruction in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places. The remaining funds are mainly used for the improvement of natural disaster emergency capabilities and comprehensive prevention and control of forest fires.The construction of the system. “Liu Sushe said that the dispatch mechanism for the addition of the issue of issuing government bond projects will be established, which will urge localities to accelerate work progress and promote all these projects to start in the first half of this year.

  The government work report proposes that it has been issued for several consecutive years to issue ultra -long -term special government bonds for several consecutive years, and it is specially used for the implementation of security capabilities in major national strategic implementation and key areas.

  Liu Su She said that after the National Development and Reform Commission will be approved by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, they will quickly organize and implement them together: focus on key areas such as scientific and technological innovation, urban and rural integration and development, and organize project planning reserves, preliminary work and construction implementation.Support a group of high -quality projects; hurry up and promote the implementation of relevant supporting policies and measures, solve deep obstacles through system mechanism reforms, and form a joint force with the construction of major projects to ensure that high -quality tasks are implemented.

  How to improve government investment efficiency?Liu Sushe said that the role of government investment in the overall investment is a key to invest in this year. It will focus on the preliminary work, optimize investment areas, strengthen all -chain management, improve the scientific nature of investment decisions, appropriately expand the local governmentIn the field of special bond investment and the scope of capital, further improve the regulations of various systems, and promote the improvement of investment efficiency with refined management.

  Fiscal expenditure forward

  Implement a positive fiscal policy

  In response to the financial revenue and expenditure situation since this year, Liao Yan, deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, introduced that in the past two months, fiscal revenue continued to recover the growth trend and started steadily; fiscal expenditure was leaning forward and the progress accelerated.

  In terms of fiscal policy, Liao Yan said that in the next step, we will implement a positive fiscal policy, and combine fiscal policy tools such as deficit, special debt, long -term special Treasury bonds, and tax discounts. At the same time, Cooperate with policies such as environmental protection to ensure that the same direction and formation are formed.

  Liao Yan said that looking forward to the whole year, I believe that with the further enlargement of various policy and combinations, it will not only consolidate and enhance the rise of the macroeconomic recovery to a good situation, but also bring a positive effect on promoting the supply -side structural reform and development of new productivity. This will also help my country’s economy to maintain a long -term growth trend and build a solid foundation for fiscal sustainability.

  Regarding the financial sustainability, Liao Yan said that the financial department has always adhered to overall planning and stable growth and risk prevention, coordinating needs and possibilities, scientifically and reasonable arrangement of deficit and government debt levels to ensure that the financial and long -term sustainability of the finances.In general, the level of liabilities in my country’s government is moderate, which is not only in line with the objective needs of promoting the stability of the economy, but also conducive to realizing the medium and long -term sustainability of the fiscal.

  In recent years, the Ministry of Finance has actively participated in the construction of a first -class business environment.Liao Yan said that in the next step, in accordance with the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, it will continuously improve the protection mechanism of foreign investment rights and interests, reduce the negative list of foreign investment access, comprehensively protect the national treatment of foreign investment enterprises, continue to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, break the restrictions of innovation elementsThe flow barriers to accelerate the construction of a unified market, and provide better guarantees for enterprises in various countries to invest in China.

  The total amount of credit increases smoothly and rapidly

  Improved financial resources allocation efficiency

  The People’s Bank of China announced data: In the first two months, the RMB loan in my country increased by 6.37 trillion yuan, a historical high level of the same period.

  Xuanchang, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, said that from the perspective of the total amount, my country’s total credit continued to maintain a steady and rapid growth; from the perspective of structure, the growth of credit growth in key national economic industries remained high, and financial resources were more flowing to the weak links of the national economy.

  At the end of February, the stock of social financing in my country increased by 9 % year -on -year, and the balance of general currency (M2) increased by 8.7 % year -on -year.”This is matched with the expected goal of economic growth and price level, which reflects the adjustment of the counter -cycle of monetary policy.” Xuanchang Neng said that the base was relatively high in the same period last year.promote.

  ”During the transformation and upgrading of economic structure and high -quality development, financial data cannot only depend on incremental and growth rates, but also pay attention to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of stocks.” Xuanchang can say that the moving and moderate financial environment is conducive to the investment of financial resources.Efficient industry companies.The People’s Bank of China will guide financial institutions to actively excavate credit needs, scientifically formulate annual credit arrangements, revitalize stock financial resources, and support direct financing to accelerate development, and maintain a reasonable growth in the total amount of money and financing.

  On February 5th, the initial reduction in this year was settled, and the long -term liquidity was released at about 1 trillion yuan.Xuanchang could say at the press conference that my country’s monetary policy has sufficient policy space and rich tool reserves, and the legal deposit reserve ratio still has room for decline.

  Talking about the issue of funds, Xuanchang Neng said that the People’s Bank of China will continue to pay close attention to the situation of corporate loan transfer and borrowing, and cooperate with relevant departments to improve the management assessment mechanism and promote the improvement of funding efficiency.

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