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The first "Yuan Cosmic Science Red Carpet" was paved into the Zhangjiang Sciences Hall

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Shi Yongyong, deputy director of the Innovation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Xu Chun, deputy director of the Innovation Center of the Innovation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Xu Chun, a researcher Xu Chun, joined hands with the red carpet.

On the morning of May 18th, the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival kicked off in the Zhangjiang Science Hall in Pudong in 2024.This year’s Shanghai Science and Technology Festival once again brings colorful scientific and technological activities to the public.The most anticipated “Scientist Red Carpet Show” at the opening ceremony was different from previous years. The first “Yuan Cosmic Science Red Carpet” in the history of the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival was paved into the Zhangjiang Science Hall.

On the same day, the Zhangjiang Sciences Hall “Starlight”, a group of 14 groups of academicians, science and technology craftsmen, young scholars, science and enterprise elites, Copper, and scientific education teachers and students.+XR’s “Red Cosmic Science Carpet”, “Stepping in” a tailor -made Yuan cosmic science world.

For the first time, Li Zhizhong, who entered the “scientist’s red carpet show”, is a popular science writer who is active on the front line of cancer knowledge. “Pineapple” is the pen name he gave himself.Since writing the first popular science article more than ten years ago, he has written 5 undergraduate science books, from “The Truth of Cancer” to “Cancer · Defense”, each with the latest scientific research progress.

When the two scholars studying brain science, the deputy director of the Innovation Center of Brain Science and Intelligent Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the researcher Xu Chun and researcher Xu Chun joined the red carpet, showing a gorgeous gorgeous in the world of the “Yuan Universe” showedbrain.

Pudong Innovation Pharmaceutical Enterprise, the founder of Huagong Pharmaceutical, Chen Li has embarked on the red carpet show at the “door”.Huaguan Pharmaceutical Headquarters Building and the Zhangjiang Science Hall are only one road.Chen Li led the team for more than ten years to achieve the goal of “the world’s first, China’s launch”, and the successful list of new categories of drugs improved the blood sugar stable disorders of diabetic patients.In his exclusive “red carpet of the universe”, you can intuitively see the protein structure of glucose kinase, and this structure is also the key factor in the first launch of Huagong Pharmaceutical.

Ding Kuiling, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the president of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and the deputy secretary of the party committee, came out. Behind him, he has been studying the hand -catalytic molecular structure for a long time for many years.

There are also academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Li Jie of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the Disaster Prevention and Relief Research Institute of China, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of Shanghai Mathematics Center, and Dean Li Jun, Dean of the Shanghai Mathematics and Cross Discipline Research Institute, ChinaGong Xingao, academician of the Academy of Sciences and director of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Material Science and Education, Fan Xingao, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fan Jia, Dean of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the Biochemical Cross Research Center of the Institute of Organic Chemical Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of SciencesProfessor Yuan Junying, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the winner of the Turing Award, Yao Qizhi, Dean of the Shanghai Futures Institute, Zou Yang, Director of the Institute of Reactor Physics, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, and Hu Hong, the principal of Shanghai Xiangming Middle School, Youth Three -generation scientists.

The “Yuan Cosmic Science Red Carpet”, which debuted at the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival for the first time, presented real -time rendering and tracking immersive effects through AIGC technology. Facing global audiences, it presented a visual feast of the scientific world.

Information source: Pudong Times

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