MLS Football Jersey
May 13, 2024

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Can the little sun parrot catch a cold?

1 min read
3. Strengthen nutritional supplyThe parrot resistance is weak. Pets mainly strengthen nutritional supplements to

3. Strengthen nutritional supply

The parrot resistance is weak. Pets mainly strengthen nutritional supplements to the parrot in time. Fighting against colds can feed the nutrition for birds such as small sun. It can also be matched with amoxicillin to help quickly improve the state and help restore physical fitness.If the cold is severe, you can add some birds to a cold medicine to the food, but don’t take too long, about a week.If the parrot has symptoms such as tears, secretions, and shortness of breath, the parrot’s eyes need to be cleaned with physiological saline, and then 2-3 drops of grid bird’s eye drops to protect the eyes.

4. Make sure appropriate rest and good diet

Providing a rich nutritional diet for parrots and sufficient rest and sleep are important aspects to help the little sun recover.Provide parrots with fresh water and high -quality bird food.You can also add some foods rich in vitamin C, such as orange, lemon or kiwi.At the same time, provide a quiet place to rest to keep a regular sleep time.

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