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Great Diplomacy | Putin’s visit to China: The signal displayed by old friends, new environment and joint statements

10 min read
"Dear President Putin, my old friend, welcome you to come to China for a state visit." On May 16, the Supreme Leader of President
“Dear President Putin, my old friend, welcome you to come to China for a state visit.” On May 16, the Supreme Leader of President said in a talks with Russian President Putin.
At the invitation of the Supreme Leader, Putin visited China from May 16th to 17th.This is the 23rd visit to China or come to China to attend international activities.On the occasion of this visit to China, it was less than 10 days before Putin’s official opening of the fifth presidential term.
In March last year, the Supreme Leadership chairman took Russia as the first station of the new term.This time Putin also regards China as the first foreign visit country in the new term, reflecting the high mutual trust and close interaction of the heads of state of the two countries.It is worth mentioning that this is also the first time that Putin has been the first visit to the country after the start of the president’s new term (editor’s note: The first visiting countries of the previous four term are Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus, and Austria).
“It is the unprecedented high level of partnership between the two countries that let me decide to choose China as the first country to visit after I was officially served as the Russian Federal President.” On the eve of the visit, Putin said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia.On May 16th, the heads of state of the two countries jointly signed and published the “Joint Statement of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on deepening the new era of comprehensive strategic collaboration partnerships” (later referred to as the “China -Russia Joint Statement”)EssenceThe unified statement of a long -character character covers the positioning and development of the current Sino -Russian relations, pragmatic cooperation in various fields, international collaboration, and Ukraine crisis.
It is worth noting that, not long ago, the Supreme Leader just ended his visit to the three European countries, and he exchanged opinions on the Ukraine crisis with the French President Macron and the Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin.Under the increasingly complicated international political and economic pattern today, the diplomacy of major powers with Chinese characteristics is being advanced, and China -Russia and China -Europe relations have also made subtle development and changes in the latest round of interaction.
The China -Russia United statement emphasizes the affirmation of the principles of persuasion and talks on the Russian and Ukraine war issues and a series of initiative.Obviously, this is a common standpoint of China and Russia.Feng Shaolei, director of the Russian Research Center of East China Normal University, analyzed the surging news (www.thepaper.cn), saying thatThis affirmation not only contains the statements that have not been able to fight nuclear war and nuclear wars in the meeting of the Chinese and German leaders; logically, it should also be included in the proposal of the Sino -French leader on the suspension of the Paris Olympics.French President Macron is a high -profile leader of Western countries that dispatched ground units to Ukraine, but also advocated political resolution of Russia and Ukraine.China and French politicians jointly advocate the Olympic Games, which is the strong support for the promotion and initiative of the war.
For Putin, the current Sino -Russian relations have irreplaceable priority
During Putin’s visit to China, China greeted with high specifications and courtesy: hold a grand welcome ceremony, the heads of state of the two countries conducted small -scale talks, and jointly presided over a large -scale talks. The agenda was even ranked until the evening of May 16th.Talk, in -depth exchanges between the international structure and the Ukrainian crisis.
The Russian side’s importance to this visit to China can be seen from the heavyweight government and enterprise delegation accompanied Putin.Among the accompanying government officials, including the first vice -prime minister and five deputy prime ministers in the new Russian cabinet, which also means that more than half of the deputy prime ministers visit China with each other (10 of the new government).At the same time, it also includes six ministerial officials including Foreign Minister Ravorov, the new Defense Director Belo Usov, as well as Hagu, who was appointed as the Secretary of the National Security Conference, and the Russian President’s international affairs assistant Wushako.Government officials such as husband.
Not only that, the luxury trading delegation consisting of heavy figures in the Russian financial and corporate circles also participated in the visit to China.Including the CEO of the Russian Federal Savings Bank, Grimman Grifff, the Russian aluminum tycoon Oleg Deri Pascal, the CEO of Russia’s Foreign Trade Bank, Andre Costin, the CEO of Russian Petroleum Corporation,Erxie Qin, Norwark Chairman Leonid Milchson, etc.
“Today’s Sino -Russian relations have irreplaceable importance and priority for Putin … If you look at the on -site pictures of a large -scale talks between China and Russia, you will find that the main table of the conference can not sit down (all Russian officials come to China).There are also two rows of tables, which is unprecedented.Direct dialogues in various areas of Russia (person in charge) have also emphasized that the head of the head of state has promoted some cooperation plans to further land.
On May 16, the heads of state of China and Russia presided over a large -scale talks.The picture shows the representatives of the Russian participation. It can be seen that two rows of seats are added behind the main table.CCTV News Screenshot
During the large -scale talks, the heads of state of China and Russia listened to the cooperation of investment, energy, economy and trade, Northeast -Far East, Humanities, and International in the two parties of the cooperation committees between the two governments.The future cooperation suggestions are sure.
The reason why Russia attaches great importance to this visit to China is also inseparable from the international situation facing the country.Right now, Russia and Ukraine have entered the third year. Due to the position of Western countries falling towards Ukraine, the tension between Russia and the United States and Europe has continued to upgrade.Since the outbreak of the conflict, the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc. have announced many sanctions on Russia.Especially in Europe, thirteen rounds of sanctions have been imposed on Russia, involving key areas such as energy, finance, and transportation.
In this international environment, Russia’s recent personnel adjustment actually reflects the attention of domestic economic development.Several experts analyzed to Peng Mei News that in the new list of government announcements announced by Russia on May 12, Belo Usov, the economic background, served as the new defense minister or preparing for the long -term conflict of Russia and Ukraine.Promoting the transformation of the Russian economy to the state of war focuses on the matching and coordination of the national defense industry and the social and economic development of the country.
Putin did not deny the international environment in Russia. He mentioned in the Xinhua News Agency’s interview that “they (Western countries, etc.) have implemented nearly 16,000 unilateral illegal sanctions on my country.”
To be optimized by China -Russia trade structure, it is necessary to adapt to the international political and economic pattern
In fact, in the past two years, China and Russia have indeed grown rapidly.In 2023, the bilateral trade volume reached a record 240.1 billion US dollars, and China became the largest trading partner country in Russia for 14 consecutive years.According to data from the General Administration of Customs, from January to April this year, China -Russia’s trade volume was US $ 76.581 billion, an increase of 4.7%year -on -year.In addition, bilateral trade has increased to 92%in the proportion of local currency settlements.
Specific to import and export categories, according to Russia’s “Communist Youth League Truth” report, last year, Russia exported crude oil, natural gas, coal, copper, wood, and seafood to China., Smartphones, computers, clothing and shoes.
Focusing on Putin’s visit to China, Liu Bin, the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the next step will continue to promote cooperation in traditional fields such as economy, trade, energy, and agriculture in accordance with the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries to further discover artificial intelligence, high -tech, and basic research.Wait for new growth points to give full play to complementary advantages and deepen interest in interests.
“In the past, we talked about expanding the scale of bilateral trade between China and Russia, and now we focus on the optimization structure.” Zhao Long analyzed that the current China -Russia trade volume has achieved a certain scale. The key is how to further improve the quality of bilateral economic and trade cooperation.This requires the pain points and difficulties of the current cooperation between the two parties to better adapt to the new international economic, trade, finance and political pattern.
In the statement of the China -Russia head talk about the economic and trade relations, it also revealed the necessity of optimizing the structure of cooperation and indicating the key areas that need to be paid attention to.The Supreme Leader met with Putin and said that the two sides “adhere to the new pattern of mutual benefit and mutual benefit of cooperation with win -win cooperation and win -win cooperation.”Establish an basic scientific research platform network, continue to release the potential of cooperation in frontier fields, strengthen ports and transportation and logistics cooperation, and maintain the stable supply chain of the global industrial chain. “
The “China -Russia Joint Statement” also specifically wrote that the two sides agreed that “improving bilateral trade, financing and other economic activities in other economic activities. Improve the financial infrastructure of the two countries and unblock the settlement channels for business entities between the two countries.”
After the end of Beijing, Putin also went to Harbin on May 17 to attend the opening ceremony of the 8th China -Russia Expo and the opening ceremony of the 4th China -Russia Local Cooperation Forum.In Putin’s view, Harbin is “a model of Russian Chinese Chinese.”
Sino -Russian and China -Europe relations are advancing forward in interaction
It is worth noting that shortly before Putin’s visit to China, the Supreme Leadership Chairman also successfully completed the visit to France, Serbia, and Hungary from May 5th to May 10th.Realize forward development.
During the visit, the Ukrainian issue was also the focus of China and the European party. Chinese leaders reiterated China’s fair position on this issue. The European side also expressed the hope that China would continue to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukrainian crisis.It is self -evident that the European party must pay special attention to Putin’s visit to China.Zhao Long believes that “the problem is that Europe failed to correctly understand the essence of Sino -Russian relations. In the current geopolitical environment, it is easy to cause the thinking of the ‘Cold War’ period to oppose Sino -Russian relations and China -Europe relations.”
In a joint statement, both China and Russia pointed out that the current Military Political Alliance model of China -Russia relations surpassed the Cold War period has the nature of non -alliance, non -confrontation, and no third parties.The two sides emphasized that “the development of a comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership in China and Russia in the new era is in line with the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two countries. It is not an authority, it is not affected by a moment, and has strong endogenous motivation and independent value.”
Putin said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency before the trip that we hope to resolve this conflict through comprehensive, sustainable, and fairly through peaceful means.We are open -minded on the Ukrainian issue, but these negotiations must take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests.
As of May, Li Hui, a special representative of the Chinese government Eurasian affairs, has carried out three -wheeled diplomatic diplomacy on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.The China -Russia United Statement states that the Russian side actively evaluates the objective and fair position of China on the Ukrainian issue and agrees to resolve the crisis on the basis of fully compliance with the “UN Charter”, and welcomes China to resolve the Ukrainian crisis through political diplomacy channels.Play a constructive role.
During the previous visit to France, the Supreme Leader and French President Macron met with reporters on May 6th in Elysee Palace.The Supreme Leader pointed out that the world today is not very flat. As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a responsible country, China is willing to be with the French side to take the Paris Olympic Games as an opportunity.Macron also thanked the Supreme Leader for supporting this initiative.
Talking about the political solution of the Ukrainian issue, Zhao Long analyzed that although the communication at the head of the head of state helps condense consensus and reduce misunderstandings, from the actual perspective, although the parties have expressed their can be negotiated, the other party cannot set up the other party that cannotThe prerequisite for acceptance of peace talks, the substantial negotiation between the directly recovery conflict is still difficult.
On May 17, Ukrainian President Zelezki expressed different views on the Olympic ceasefire in an interview with Agence France -Presse, saying that it would only help Russia to take the opportunity to transfer the army and equipment into the Ukrainian territory.Facing the Paris Olympic Games more than two months later, Feng Shaolei believes that “although the temporary off -war during the Olympic Games requires cooperation with all parties, the Russian side highly evaluates the expression of Chinese persuasion and hard work.expect.”
Surging News Chief Reporter Wang Lu Intern Wang Xiaochen
(This article comes from surging news, please download the “Surging News” APP for more original information)
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