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June 25, 2024

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Shanghai Aiwei Office reminds citizens: In four points of mind, Xiaqiu Healthcare

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The summer and autumn climate is damp and humid, suitable for breeding of bacteria, viruses, etc., and it is also the peak period of path

The summer and autumn climate is damp and humid, suitable for breeding of bacteria, viruses, etc., and it is also the peak period of pathogenic biological activity such as mosquitoes. Therefore, it has become a high incidence season for intestinal infectious diseases, respiratory infectious diseases, and insect media infectious diseases.In order to enhance the awareness of disease prevention of citizens, promote the development of health behavior, and combine the characteristics of disease prevention and control, the Municipal Love Health Office gives key tips-

Be wary of “insect crisis”

From May to November each year is the season of dengue fever, and the peak peak is July to September.Dengue fever is a infectious disease spread by the bite of the mosquito, which is mainly transmitted by the “patient → 伊 → → others”.Once dengue fever is infected, symptoms such as high fever, headache, joint pain, and rash may cause bleeding or shock in severe cases.Therefore, pay attention to the cleaning of the environment, remove water and clean; do the protection of the room, install the doorsteps of the yarn, and use the mosquito extinguishing tool correctly; pay attention to personal protection, talk about hygiene, take a bath, go out to wear light -colored long -sleeved clothes, apply it to applyEnvironmental protection mosquito repellent, heating headache after mosquito bites, etc.

In the summer and autumn, the growth and reproduction of tapeworms will appear erythema and pimples in the bite of the tapeworm, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as fever, headache, and fatigue.It is recommended to wear long -sleeved clothes and trousers outdoors, try to stuff the pants feet into socks, and standardize the use of insect repellent containing ingredients such as antipochamine; check the body carefully after the activity, especially the skin folds.Use the tools such as gardenia to take out the tapeworm carefully and observe the physical condition closely.

Beware of “sick attacks”

Summer and autumn is the high incidence of intestinal infectious diseases. Before meals, wash your hands before processing and production; regularly disinfect the tableware; keep it clean, cooked and cooked when dealing with food.For leftovers and leftovers, if you need to eat it, heated it completely.Wash raw fruits, do not eat unclean, corrupt foods.

In summer and autumn, you must also be alert to respiratory infection diseases, especially acute respiratory infectious diseases caused by Bacillus of Bacteria, which strengthen indoor ventilation.If a paroxysmal, spasm cough and cough are accompanied by chicken -like inhaling roar, they will seek medical treatment in time, standardize treatment, and take reasonable medication.

Summer and autumn is also the season when some plant pollen spreads. People with allergies may experience symptoms of pollen allergies, such as sneezing, runny nose, itching of the skin, etc. Pay attention to protection, reduce outdoor activities, and wear masks when going out.

Avoid “high temperature roasting”

There are relatively many high temperature and high humidity weather, and the human body is easy to sweat in large quantities, resulting in loss of water and electrolytes, dehydration and heat stroke.It is recommended to understand the high temperature early warning information in a timely manner, arrange the time for going out reasonably, and try to avoid going out or violent activities during the hot period. It is recommended to wear light, breathable, light -colored clothes when going out.So prepare for sun protection.

Daily intake of water, light diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure sufficient energy.When sweating a lot, salt is appropriately supplemented to ensure the balance of electrolytes. Do not drink alcohol or a lot of sugar drinks.

Personnel who work under high temperature conditions, or personnel who are outdoor for long -term outdoor operations during the day should take necessary protective measures to reasonably adjust the time of work and rest, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and avoid excessive fatigue.When dizziness, headache, redness, thirst, and sweating a lot, immediately evacuate the high temperature environment, rest and rest and hydrate at the cool and ventilated place; immediately call “120” when you are severely ill, and need to cool down quickly.

Use the air conditioner in summer and autumn to adjust the temperature reasonably, try to ensure that the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is not too large, and avoid cold colds.Open the window regularly to ensure air circulation.

Don’t forget the “Travel Guide”

Summer and autumn is a peak tourist season. Those with travel plans to understand the infectious disease and health risks in advance.Before travel, prepare conventional clothes, water cups, towels and other items. At the same time, it is recommended to carry necessary medicines, anti -mosquito supplies, masks, alcohol cotton pads, etc.According to the weather changes, it is recommended to bring rain gear, sunglasses, sun hat, etc.During the trip, do a good job of hand -to -hand before dining. Multi -person dining together, actively using public chopsticks and public spoons.After staying at the hotel, the window was opened to ventilate.During the trip, pay attention to prevent mosquito bite, fall, traffic accidents, etc.If you have discomfort during the trip, you will seek medical treatment in time.

When entering the country to enter the country, actively cooperate with the entry quarantine, and fill in the health declaration card truthfully.After the trip, if there is discomfort, seek medical treatment in time, and inform the history of travel truthfully.

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